Rap duo, Ghost and Tec, collectively known as Show Dem Camp set to release the fifth installment in the series of their “Clone Wars” projects titled—Clone Wars Vol. 5: The Algorythm—on the 9th of July.
The last volume was released in 2019 which critiqued the condition of living in the country under the present ruling party’s regime, it is duly termed – “Clone Wars Vol. IV: These Buhari Times” – with features from Tems, M.I Abaga, Vector, Ozone, Lady Donli amongst others.
The Clone Wars series is known to be a project by Show Dem Camp which focuses on the social-political issues affecting the country as at the time of its release.
The tracklist and other information regarding the project is unknown as at now but judging by the cover artwork we know they speak on topics pertaining to ‘Unknown gunmen’ and the japa mentality in the country.