Netflix, in collaboration with Inkblot Productions, is set to release “Far From Home,” its first Nigerian young adult show. The five-part series follows a poor teenage artist who is given the opportunity to live his dream after being awarded a scholarship to the country’s most exclusive school. However, as he attempts to navigate the trappings of the social hierarchy dynamics of his new environment, a huge secret threatens his newfound status and the safety of his family.
With the show’s promotion still ongoing, Netflix recently released a new trailer that gives audience’s a glimpse into the plot, and understandably, Nigerians have taken to social media to express their opinions.
I just watched the trailer for FAR FROM HOME on Netflix yeah, dude!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's gonna be mad interesting and I hope it's a Tv series. We need content like that. Can possibly match Blood & Water or be better
— iammsyre (@iammsyre_) December 11, 2022
~ Dear Nollywood, nothing wey you do go satisfy people.
Just keep growing. Everytime complain complain.
— Diji The Great. (@directordiji) December 3, 2022
Nothing is stopping me from watching…
I need it to be on series— 🤴Kong (@Peeta_Templeton) December 1, 2022
I have something to say: Nollywood producers are seeing Nollywood through Hollywood lenses. There's an Americanism to this show and that annoys me.
— DELRESTO (@Black9jaIcon) December 2, 2022
I can’t wait to watch.😌🤲🏽
Lmao but it won’t stop being compared to elite and the rest because it’s not original.💀 This is not how life is in a typical Nigerian secondary school, but I’m excited to watch.— Brevocado🧚(They/She) (@notkoAko) December 3, 2022
Written by Dami Elebe, ‘Far From Home’ features an ensemble of up-and-coming talents and established screen legends including Mike Afolarin, Funke Akindele Richard Mofe-Damijo, Adesua Etomi-Wellington, Bolanle Ninalowo, Genoveva Umeh, Bimbo Akintola, Linda Ejiofor, Chioma Akpotha, Femi Branch, Carol King and Ufuoma Mcdermott. Far from home pemieres globally and exclusively on Netflix from December 16, 2022.